Hosting A Private Funeral: Three Things To Know

When it comes to planning a funeral for a loved one, some families prefer to have a small, private service. This may be to limited space in the church or funeral home, or it may be intended to limit the mourners to only those closest to the deceased. If your family is considering a private funeral service, here are a few things to know as you make the arrangements. Sending Out Invitations Read More 

Handling Funeral And Cremation Services For Someone Of The Asatru Religion: A Few Important Tips

While this may surprise some people, the old Norse gods are having a resurgence of popularity these days — both inside and outside the United States. That means that funeral homes need to be prepared to handle some unique funerary customs for this growing segment of the population. Here's what you should know if you are in charge of organizing a funeral for someone of the Asatru faith. How common is the religion? Read More 

5 Etiquette Tips For A Funeral

Losing a loved one at any point in life can be tough. This may cause a lot of emotions to occur that you simply don't understand and can be hard to deal with at times. However, you may need to attend a funeral to show your love and respect for this person. Being aware of etiquette tips may come in useful during this time. Tip #1: Be punctual The last thing you will want to do is arrive at a funeral late. Read More 

Programs For Funeral Services: Four Things To Consider

Creating programs for a loved one's funeral offers a way to honor his or her memory while also letting mourners know what to expect throughout the funeral and graveside services. If you aren't sure what to put in the program, here are some helpful ideas: Order Of Events Funeral services can vary greatly, and mourners may not know what to expect as far as the length of the services or who will be speaking. Read More 

Three Benefits Of Choosing Cremation

Whether you are pre-arranging your own services or planning them for a loved one, you may be wondering about cremation. This option provides many benefits, so take some time to learn about them before you make a final decision. Your funeral home director can also help you to understand the process for how cremation is performed. Cost Savings Choosing cremation can be a cost-effective option for people on a budget. With cremation, you don't have to purchase a casket, headstone, or cemetery plot unless you wish to, and you may find that your funeral home offers cremation packages that are more affordable than traditional funeral packages. Read More